Meet Mc Smooth

Mc Smooth is a 36 year old music artist from Mississippi.
Music is second nature to Mc Smooth. He is absolutely in love with singing and writing music. He has had experience with music since he was a little kid. His first song was written at 10. He did not take it that seriously until he graduated high school, from there on he has been on a grind of hard work and complete dedication to his passion. The sky is not the limit for Mc Smooth, he plans on extending the limit past the stars.
His style is R&B soul, but he can do a little bit of everything. There is not one artist that inspires his music, he is an independent artist that has an authentic style. He is of course inspired by all music in general, but when it comes to the specifics, his creativity sky rockets to create creative sound and lyrics.
Instagram: mcsmooth2021