Meet Jay Williams 9500
Meet Jay Williams 9500, a music artist from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and other surrounding areas of Louisiana. He is 22 years old and started making music after high school.

He started making music because musical abilities run in his blood. His family is full of great singers. He has been exposed to music his whole life. From his grandmother singing and cooking in the kitchen, to his pops playing and singing music in the car, or listening to his extended family sing in a choir, or spending time listening to music with his mother. Jay Williams 9500 realized his calling in life was to sing and make music after graduating high school.
Jay Williams 9500’s music style is unlabeled, he likes to be experimental when making music and is open to all genres. If he had to choose a genre though, it would be rap. His pops taught him to enjoy music regardless of the genre, as long as it is quality and makes you feel good.
His most successful track is “A Broken Heart.” It is streaming in 30+ states and has 10k streams on youtube and is his hottest song on Apple Music on his EP. The song is about how losing love can lead to a better love, because the pain can attract someone who heals you or can help heal you. He is big on energy and spirituality, and his music reflects his views of the world. This song is a prime example of that.
Some artists that inspire Jay Williams 9500 are Nipsey Hussle and Kevin Gates.
IG — jaywilliams9500